A UNIQUE magical prank show that claims to be both jaw-dropping and laugh out loud funny is coming to the Brindley Theatre when James Phelan: Trickester comes to the Halton Council venue on Wednesday, September 5.

It will be a night of light entertainment described as ‘Extraordinary’ in The Mirror and ‘Legendary’ by The Sun.

Simon Cowell said of the show “You are really good, that was incredible. Maybe magic exists.”

It promised to be a night of hilarious, mind-blowing magic in a show where anything can happen – and quite often does. People are tricked, phones are destroyed, needles are swallowed – no-one is safe.

Nephew of the late Paul Daniels, James has been storming it online in the last twelve months whilst gaining a lot of traction in the national press.

Tickets are £16, £14 from www.thebrindley.org.uk and the box office on 0151 907 8360.


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